
  • Eases Bloating and Gas*
  • Supports Digestion*
  • Promotes Regularity*

Crafted with intention

  • Better breakdown. Rich in natural compounds that stimulate digestive enzymes, helping your body process food more efficiently and reduce gas formation.
  • Natural tension relief. Works as a gentle antispasmodic, helping your digestive muscles relax to release trapped gas and ease bloating.
  • Supports regularity. Helps stimulate your digestive system's natural movement, promoting healthy, regular bowel patterns without harshness.


Cumin Seed Oil | Sourced from India

Scientific Research

“Effects of cumin on gastrointestinal health: A randomized controlled trial.” Phytotherapy Research, 2016.

“Pharmacological basis for the medicinal use of cumin in gastrointestinal motility disorders.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2005.